New Year, New Start!

After the holiday break, ministry groups are starting their winter sessions.  And all are excited to begin meeting in the new building!

Men’s Life starts again on Monday nights at 7:45.  Women for Women and the Youth gather on Tuesdays at 7-9 pm.  GEMS, the young girls group, will be meeting on Thursday evenings 7-8:30.  If you are interested in joining a group, please contact the church at 529-357-4414 for more information. Various community groups like the Seniors Crokinold, and Band Jam, are also looking forward to having their gatherings in a spacious new facility.

After many months with our groups scattered here and there, we are so thankful for our new facility, and the space it provides. It is beginning to feel like home, and we are so thankful to God for his faithfulness and provision to us!1