Summer Intern at MRCC!

We welcomed our summer intern Eric Kloostra, on Sunday April 30.  Eric told us a little about himself, and Pastor Bart prayed for him.

Here are greetings from Eric:

Hello, my name is Eric Kloostra. I grew up on a pig farm just outside of Monkton. I attended Bethel CRC as a child and went to Listowel District Secondary School. I am currently enrolled at Redeemer University in Ancaster studying Biblical and Theological studies and Psychology. I love all sports, both to watch and to play, but I especially love to play soccer. I am also into music and have played the drums for many years. This summer I am working alongside MRCC as a summer intern youth director. I look forward to all the ways that God will be at work in this church and how we as a church will be able to glorify him. Thank you!