Dedication Sunday!

It was an exciting Sunday, December 18th,  our first service in the new building!  In a big circle around the auditorium, we dedicated each space for it’s special purpose. The children gave us the Christmas message in some fun songs.  We celebrated communion together, and lit the fourth Advent Candle. We sang and prayed and worshipped God for his great faithfulness to us.  The service ended in colour and confetti as we sang our theme song for the building project – Build Your Kingdom Here!  Then we all gathered in the fellowship room, where we enjoyed a delicious turkey dinner.  Special recognition was also given to the Building Committee members – Sarah Haanstra, Peter Teeninga, Brenda Kranenburg, Murray Ritsema and Doug Kuyvenhoven, who have given many hours of service to this project.  We are surely thankful for their contributions.  It was a great time, as the children checked out their new rooms, and people wandered around, taking it all in.  There is excitement and anticipation, as we think about the future, and how God will use us and this building to bring his Story to this community!17 9 12 14 4 2 1-2

A Special Sunday

On Sunday December 11th it was the Third Sunday of Advent.  We continued our series Advent Then and Now, with a sermon entitled “How is Jesus Coming?”  Susan and Sheryl lit our Advent candle, the candle of Joy.

We also welcomed Rev. Jack Whytock.  He was privileged to baptise his first grandchild, Malcolm George.  Malcolm is the son of Alistair and Jenny Whytock.

This was our last service at the Wingham Legion where we have been meeting during our building project. Special thanks was given to various people who set up chairs and sound equipment each week at the legion.  We had some very faithful volunteers!

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Building Project Update

The work is coming to completion at our new facility.  Lots of volunteers have been helping out with the painting, cleaning, installing the kitchen, flooring and sound equipment.  We are looking forward to our Dedication service on December 18th.1-1
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Sunday at the River

MRCC Community!

What is Sunday worship like at the Maitland River Community Church?  Praising together, learning together, playing together, meeting together, eating together, and sharing life together. Looking for a place to belong? Come join us at the River!img_2233 img_2243 img_2249 img_2256img_2260 img_2265 img_2268 img_2269 img_2270 img_2273 img_2280

New Building Tour

After our worship service on September 18th, we headed out on a field trip – to our new building!  Time to see the progress.  We enjoyed coffee in our fellowship room, and toured around the halls and rooms.  So much great space, and so much excitement for new ministries and new opportunities.  img_2135 img_2133 img_2132 img_2130 img_2129 img_2127

Ministry Fair 2016

Baptisms at the River!

Praise in the Park!