Sunday, June 14, 2020

Opening Words 

As you light a candle:
Why do we light this candle?
To remember that Jesus is with us. 

Opening prayer:
Eternal God, you are the power behind all things:
behind the energy of the storm,
behind the heat of a million suns.
Eternal God, you are the power behind all minds:
behind the ability to think and reason,
behind all understanding of the truth.
Eternal God, you are the power behind the cross of Christ:
behind the weakness, the torture, and the death, behind unconquerable love.
Eternal God, we worship and adore you. Amen.

Songs (Click on the song title to listen)

Lord, open to us the sea of your mercy, and water us with full streams
from the riches of your grace and the springs of your kindness.
Make us children of quietness and heirs of peace;
kindle in us the fire of your love,
and strengthen our weakness by your power
as we become close to you and to each other. Amen. 

We Hear God’s Word



Parting Prayer: God go before you to lead you, God go behind you to protect you, God go beneath you to support you, God go beside you to befriend you. Do not be afraid. May the blessing of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit be upon you. Do not be afraid. Go in peace to love and serve the Lord. Amen.