Pastor Bart returned from his holidays, and we began our new church season!  Our first service of September was about our work, the gift that it is, and the gift that we can be in our work.  Karen opened our service with a prayer, and Maria and the band led us in songs of praise to our Saviour.  After the sermon, Marc prayed with us and we offered our work to God, dedicating it to Him and His kingdom.  Displayed at the front of the church were all items representing the many kinds of work carried out by this congregation.

It was also the last service for Emma Baarda, our Children’s Ministry Director.  She is heading off to school full time.  Pastor Bart had some words of thanks and appreciation for her, and she shared with us about her time here at the MRCC.  Her children’s ministry team members and staff prayed over her, wishing her God’s blessings in her future endeavours.