Beginnings and Endings

We welcomed back Pastor Bart after his holidays, on a beautiful blue-sky Sunday.  The band led us in opening songs of praise and then we celebrated the Profession of Faith of Deanna.  Deanna shared with us how her relationship with God has grown over time, and it was encouraging for all of us to hear her commitment to following Jesus wholeheartedly.  Pastor Bart’s message also spoke of God’s grace and love for us, he never leaves us, he is always with us and ready to meet us where we are.

After the message, Emma Baarda was introduced.  Emma is our new Children’s Ministry Director, and she is excited to begin her work here at the MRCC.  As Emma begins her new position, we said our farewells to Eric Kloostra, our summer intern.  Eric was invaluable to our VBS program, helping out in our Children’s ministries, Young Adults, and working at the Youth Center.  As he returns to school, we wish him God’s blessings in his studies and future ministry.

It was a great Sunday to gather together, to worship our God, to hear God’s Word,  to celebrate new members, and to be encouraged in our faith!