A Sunday to Celebrate!

We gathered on June 16th, on Father’s Day, with lots to celebrate.  Seth, William, Judith and Elijah graduated from Children’s Ministry, and each received  a beautiful Bible.  Harrison and Cathy had verses and lovely words of encouragement for each of them. Then all the children left for their end of season celebration party – games, face painting, a clown, snacks and lots of fun!  Pastor Henry finished off his Prayer 101 series, with a sermon about praying together as a congregation, praying with and for each other.  Alissa told us about her experience at the All Ontario Youth Convention, and then Lucas and Brendo shared their testimonies.  They were excited to tell us how they felt God’s presence and leading at the convention.  After church we shared in fellowship and refreshments, and all the men received a bottle of BBQ sauce for Father’s Day.  A great Sunday at the River!