Farewell Celebrations

The end of July 2021 marks the end of Pastor Henry’s time as pastor of the MRCC, and the end of his official ministry.  We held special events on the weekend of July 24-25th.  On Saturday, the hospitality team hosted a Come and Go afternoon, and people could come and have a few minutes with Pastor Henry and Helga, to thank them and wish them the best.  On Sunday morning we gathered with as many as we could in the auditorium, still allowing for COVID distancing.  Pastor Henry left us with an inspiring, encouraging last message, and then we followed the worship service with the farewell celebration program.  Rein was our MC,  through speeches and skit and song.  Four special videos from Pastor Henry’s children and grandchildren in Alberta showed us they are all excited to have Grandpa and Grandma returning to Alberta! Stephen led us all in a special litany, releasing Pastor Henry with our love and blessing, to this new chapter in his life.  We all surrounded Pastor Henry and Helga, and sang over them “The Blessing” song.  As it was a beautiful day, we were able to enjoy wonderful cakes and squares and refreshments outdoors.

We have truly been blessed and we are very thankful to God for Pastor Henry’s leadership and pastoring in these past 8 years.  We wish Henry and Helga health and strength and many good years together yet, serving in new ways, and enjoying family around them.  God bless you both!