Passion Week began with Palm Sunday on April 2nd.  The children entered with palm branches, to the singing of Hosanna, Hosanna!  Pastor Bart continued teaching from Matthew 22.

On Good Friday, we gathered for a Tenebrae service.  Several readers led us through passages of Matthew 26 and 27,  and candles were extinguished as we went through the service.  As the shadows deepened, we celebrated the Lord’s Supper, and Pastor Bart gave a message. With the final reading, the Christ candle was extinguished and carried out by Alaina.

Easter morning service began “Christ is Risen! Alleluia!”  Alaina returned the lit Christ candle to the table, and the band led us in joyful songs of celebration. Pete performed a monologue, bringing Cleopas and his story to life.  (And then Cleopas joined the band!)  Pastor Bart called us to examine our reaction to the resurrection, as we looked at the guards, the Jewish leaders, the doubters, and also the women at the tomb.

We were thankful to once again mark the most important week in the Christian calendar. We serve a risen Saviour, who’s in the world today.  We know that He is living, whatever the world may say!