Members and attenders gathered for our annual congregational meeting on Friday, March 8th. We had great attendance for this meeting, and even some joining us by video.  Pastor Bart welcomed all, and opened in prayer.  Ron presented last year’s numbers, and the new budget for 2024 was approved. We are excited to call Tyler Kirkbride to be a commissioned pastor for our congregation.  The new board of Jan Blackwell, Karen Bridges, Mike Hill, Doug Kuyvenhoven, Albert Teeninga, and Matt Wilkins was voted in.  Cathy Ritsema is leaving the board at this time, and we thank her for her diligent service.  The building committee gave an update on the addition, and several other ministry leaders gave reports. Tyler and Inge shared how the youth group is really growing; Emma and her children’s ministry is flourishing; Murray with Cadets, and Cassy with GEMS are reaching a lot of boys and girls; and Wilma is excited to lead Alpha this year.  Liz provided tasty pie and coffee for our break time. It was good to gather together, and see how God is working in and moving through and blessing the MRCC.