Missionary to Uganda

We were excited to welcome Karen Lubbers to our service on  August 11th.  Karen grew up in Whitechurch, Ontario, but is now a missionary in Uganda.  Karen gathered the children around her to show them the beautiful Ugandan flag, and to talk about trust.  She then shared her message of trust through trying times, with the congregation.  Karen is a teacher of teachers, and has equipped many people in Uganda to teach children and youth the Word of God in creative, innovative ways.  She gives of her love and time to neighbourhood children, emerging leaders, women’s Bible studies and just whoever needs her prayers and attention on any given day!  God continues to open doors for Karen, and has gifted her with creative communication,  enthusiasm, faith and evangelism.  If you would like to read more about her ministry or support her financially, check out her blog http://karebear-lubbers.blogspot.com