Building Addition!

This is an exciting time for our church! God has blessed us with growth, especially in our children and youth programs! GEMS, Cadets, Sunday School, and Youth have grown substantially. Currently the Sunday School, GEMS and Cadets have been making do by doubling up classes in the fellowship hall and temporarily using buildings across the road.

If this was a temporary situation, we could make-do. However, our leaders have sensed that more growth is on the horizon and we wish to be prepared for what God has in store for our ministries and the ongoing building of His Kingdom here in Wingham.

Our church began as a cheese factory, with prayers scribbled on the walls before the Phase 1 renovation into a small sanctuary, prayer room, and single classroom! In 2016, Phase 2 added our current Auditorium and Fellowship Hall. Desiring to be a vibrant community church that God uses as His wit- ness in this area, we have partnered with other churches in ministry and opened our building to the community. Now we’re at “Phase 3,” which will add effective space for ministry, and maximize use of our property.

The planned additions are 4 extra classrooms, a craft/workshop room, kids’ indoor play area, supply room, and universal accessible washroom.  In the next few months, members of the Forward in Faith campaign team will be visiting MRCC members and attenders.

We humbly acknowledge God’s provision in all things, and we will prayerfully consider our involvement in this project to build more capacity for our ministries to children and youth, as we look forward to Giving Sunday in December.