On Pentecost Sunday we gathered together to celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit. We were also blessed to welcome Justine Eggink from EduDeo. EduDeo Ministries is an international development organization that works to advance quality Christ-centered education. They partner with locally-led school associations and organizations to invest in 3 pillars – teachers, students, and schools. While not exhaustive, examples include professional development opportunities for educators and school leaders, the funding of bursaries, learning resources, or disability aids for students, or through school construction projects to ensure all children have access to a safe, well-equipped environment for learning.

In the Fall of 2019, Maitland River Community Church tithed over $27,000 from a capital campaign to EduDeo’s work, specifically allocated to projects identified as a priority by our partner association in Zambia, the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian (CCAP). With the funds a girls’ dormitory, and washrooms were built, and bursaries were formed for students in need.