On Friday, March 26th we met for a congregational meeting.  With COVID protocols in place, we were able to gather for the first time in this setting, in over a year.  A full agenda was presented, and board Chair, Stephen VanderKlippe, let us through it.  We were able to approve our board, and the budget for 2021.  The Visioning team has also been very busy, and they were able to present us with a new set of Core Values, and a new Purpose Statement, https://mrcc.ca/our-mission/which were also endorsed by the congregation.  Doug Kuyvenhoven, chair of the Pastor Search Team, gave a report on their progress.  Pastor Henry will be retiring in July.  The board shared an extensive strategic plan for the next months.  There is certainly lots of opportunity for ministry and using your gifts!

Tobi Droppert also served us coffee and cupcakes, and we could enjoy distanced conversation.

We are looking forward to a fresh season here at the MRCC.  When COVID restrictions are over, we will be excited to restart various ministries.  With new vision and goals in mind we are prepared for where God will lead us in our next chapter!