Worship in the Great Outdoors

Sunday, July 9th was the date for our annual outdoor worship service.  It was a cooler, cloudy morning, but the forecast  rain never came!  Rob, Tom and Pete were there early to set up the band equipment and sound system.  By ten o’clock quite a crowd had gathered on their lawn chairs, under the big maple trees. Pete, Maria, Tom and Deb led them in songs of praise, and Pastor Bart preached his first sermon in the new Jonah series – Jonah: the gracious God and the graceless prophet.  After the church service, everyone was welcome to join us for a BBQ lunch.  Cathy, Murray and Liz were busy setting it up, and getting those burgers cooked. All of us enjoyed a great lunch and some good fellowship together.  Thank you to our sound team, and food team for making the day a real blessing to all present!