Celebration Services

All of the children opened our worship service on Christmas Eve morning with great songs of celebration.  We sang of the angels joyful message, and Inge and Ayla lit the last Advent candle.  Mara presented the scripture, and Pastor Bart shared a message about God coming to us, in our mess, and bringing Life.  Nathan played a beautiful offertory for us, which we all enjoyed.

We gathered again in the evening for our Candlelight service.  Betty lit the Christ Candle on the Advent wreath, and we sang our beloved Christmas songs.  Rein, Danielle, Deb and Bill presented a dramatic reading – Do Not Be Afraid.  When we all held our lit candles, Pastor Bart reminded us that Christ is the Light of the world, He came to dispel the darkness, and now we too can be shining lights of His love in this world.

It was a beautiful day of celebrating our Saviour’s birth.  God is here!  God is with us!  Joy to the world!