The snow derby on Saturday January  25th was really fun! It’s so hard for me to pick just one favourite moment. If I had to choose my favourite would be lunch and the pellet guns.  This is how the day went. We got there and lined our sleds up.  Then we said our pledge and motto.  After we said our pledges we went to the sled race.  After the sled race we went to the pellet guns, which as I said was probably my favourite. After the that we went to compass, map reading and first aid.  Then there was shelter building (we need to keep practicing our clove hitch knots).  After shelter building we did archery, which I found pretty difficult.  Then trail signs, that one was fun.  Once we finished trail signs we had a yummy lunch of pulled pork and chilli and my favourite winter drink…Hot chocolate!  After lunch we did fire building with water boiling, we came in 6th place for that. We were supposed to get the water to a roiling boil over the edge. Finally the day finished with awards. Our cadre got 2nd over all! I was pretty excited about that.  Before we left we sang our song “Living For Jesus”. It was a fun filled day even though we came home pretty smokey smelling and wet from the drizzly rain.  I can’t wait for next year’s snow derby!

-Easton Vanderlip