Good Friday Service
Though physically separated, we join with the church of all times and in all places, to remember the death of Jesus Christ, on this Good Friday.
Please have bread and juice ready for the Lord’s Supper, and also a candle, as you follow this order of worship.
Opening Words
As you light a candle:
Why do we light this candle?
To remember that Jesus is with us.
Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!
Have mercy on us and grant us your peace
Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!
Praise and glory to you, O God.
-John 1:29
Gathering Songs (click on the song title to listen to it)
Use the following prayer or your own, giving voice to the realities of the day within the greater context of the promise of the resurrection, and ask for the Holy Spirit to work through this time of worship.
God of all hope, we gather today deeply aware
of the world’s grief and pain — and our own.
Send your Holy Spirit here among us and comfort us with the sure knowledge
that our Lenten journey will end in Easter joy. Amen.
God Speaks to Us (click play on the sermon video)
Offer your own prayer or use the following one.
Lord, God on this Good Friday we say:
Hallelujah to the Lamb of God
Who was sacrificed;
Who was Scapegoat,
Who willingly went to death,
Who gave himself over to principalities and powers
So that they could be undone.
Everything we thought we knew about justice,
Everything we thought we knew about God
All our expectations of power and force
Our preconceived notions of victory
Were overturned in Christ
The old ideas are shadows.
Christ, who went to death
To prove life;
Who went to defeat
To prove victory;
Who went to darkness
To prove light.
Who went to pain
To prove joy.
We wait with you, Son of God, in mourning and quiet,
In the darkness of Good Friday,
Until the day dawns
And the Morning Star surprises our hearts.
Rev. Fran Pratt ©2019 by Fran Pratt.
Closing Song