What is Lent?
/in News /by adminSunday at The River!
/in News /by adminGrand Opening Celebration!
/in News /by adminSunday, January 22nd, was our Grand Opening celebration! The doors opened at 9 am, and greeters welcomed guests for tours and coffee. It was a full house for our worship service at 10. Voices were lifted in joyful praise and worship. Pastor Henry encouraged us to be a church that welcomes in all people, even as Jesus invited Matthew, a hated tax-collector, to be His disciple. At the end of the service, Stephen Vanderklippe invited a few special guests to say a few words. North Huron Reeve Neil Vincent gave his best wishes for the future. The architect, Guy Bellehumeur and the Landmark builder, Rick Plantt, along with our church’s project coordinator, Doug Kuyvenhoven, were able to share about their good working relationship, and thoughts about the project. After that, we enjoyed a great lunch and fellowship with each other, and the children had a lot of fun in the bouncy castle. Indeed a day to celebrate all God’s goodness and faithfulness to us! We look forward to the future with joy and anticipation!
New Year, New Start!
/in News /by adminAfter the holiday break, ministry groups are starting their winter sessions. And all are excited to begin meeting in the new building!
Men’s Life starts again on Monday nights at 7:45. Women for Women and the Youth gather on Tuesdays at 7-9 pm. GEMS, the young girls group, will be meeting on Thursday evenings 7-8:30. If you are interested in joining a group, please contact the church at 529-357-4414 for more information. Various community groups like the Seniors Crokinold, and Band Jam, are also looking forward to having their gatherings in a spacious new facility.
After many months with our groups scattered here and there, we are so thankful for our new facility, and the space it provides. It is beginning to feel like home, and we are so thankful to God for his faithfulness and provision to us!
Christmas Celebration
/in News /by adminWe gathered together on Christmas Day this year. It was a special celebration of songs and scripture. Seth and William lit the Christmas Christ Candle and Phil Main sang a song to remind us that He is a Wonder. Everyone brought forward a strip of cloth to prepare the manger, as we prepare our hearts to receive and welcome the Saviour. Why did Jesus come? To be the Saviour of the world, and that is what we remember and celebrate today!