
Illustrated Children’s Ministry is a company that provides colouring posters of all sorts and seasons. We purchased a set of Lenten posters and found lots of willing hands to colour them. Thank you to the ladies, families and Sunday School classes that coloured them so beautifully. Such a variety of styles and colours, fitting art for this season of Lent.

Sunday at the River!

On Sunday, March 24th, we welcomed the Wingham Friendship Group to worship with us. They led us in some of their favourite Friendship songs. Pastor Henry continued his series on “The Peter Principles” with the story of Jesus washing the disciples’ feet. After the sermon, we had a chance to serve each other as Jesus did, and also be reminded of Jesus’ washing away our sins, through a hand washing experience. People came forward to have their hands washed, and then to wash someone else’s hands. Maria led us in songs celebrating the cleansing blood of Jesus, and all He has done for us.

Congregational Meeting

We met on Friday, March 22, gathering together in our Fellowship Hall. Stephen VanderKlippe, Board Chairman, welcomed us and led us through a time of reflection and discussion on the direction of our church. We talked about the unity and love and spirit-filled living values we hold. A new slate of board members was affirmed. The budget for 2019 was approved. Amazing desserts were provided by the hospitality team. We had a good attendance for our meeting, and much to celebrate and for which to be thankful! God’s blessings are abundant!

GEMS Favourite “Him” Night

Welcome to GEMS Airlines! The GEMS leaders hosted all the GEMS girls and their favourite “him” and took them on a trip to Hawaii! Everyone enjoyed the limbo, fun games, yummy snacks – all surrounded by palm trees and sunshine, grass skirts and leis. The time passed so quickly, everyone had loads of laughs and fun – it was a great escape to the tropics on a cold February evening!

Boy’s Club – Cadet Sunday!

The Boys’ Club, called Cadets, was celebrated this Sunday during the worship service. The boys filed in, following their leader Murray Ritsema, and took their places on the stage. Murray told us about this Thursday night program, and then Dexter, Landon, William, Seth and Logan shared some of their favourite things about Cadets. They love their new friends, the fun activities, and the Snow Derby! The theme this year was “Be A Blessing” and we heard about all God’s blessings poured out on us, so we can pass on that goodness on to others. We celebrate these boys, and all they are learning and doing at Cadets!

CAP Money Course

CAP stands for Christians Against Poverty. The CAP Money Course is a three evening course that teaches building a budget and the unique CAP system for handling your money to stay on budget. Currently, Doug Kuyvenhoven is teaching this course at the MRCC. Email doug@mrcc.ca to enroll for the next CAP Money Course.

Worship and Prayer Evening

On January 13th, on Sunday evening we gathered together for a time of worship and prayer. Pastor Henry welcomed everyone, and we joined the band in a time of praise. After a quiet time of listening, we shared with each other where God has been leading us. Through the evening we prayed for our church and leaders, and for our community churches and people. The evening ended with singing “Build Your Kingdom Here”, one of our congregation’s favourites. We hope to continue these events, as part of our prayer ministry.

Christmas Eve Service

A full house gathered on December 24th to celebrate our Candlelight Christmas Eve service. The service opened with favourite Christmas carols and Betty read the familiar story from Luke 2. Maria, Peter and Brenda shared a special Christmas song which everyone enjoyed. Pastor Henry preached on the wonder of the birth of Jesus, concluding our Longing for More Christmas series. As all the candles were lit throughout the congregation, “Silent Night” was softly sang. It was a beautiful and special service to celebrate the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Youth Christmas Night!

The Women For Women group gathered with the Youth group on Tuesday night.  Thirty people enjoyed a delicious Christmas dinner, prepared and served by the ladies. The women purchased a pair of socks for each youth, made special Christmas cards and a melted snowman to take home.  They played some fun games together and the women presented a Christmas story skit for the youth.  Singing of “Silent Night” finished off an evening of fun, love and service. 

Sunday at the River!

The children’s ministry kids have been diligently practicing for weeks, and it was finally the day of their performance!  We enjoyed witty dialogue, great expression, joyful songs, and even special effects as they shared the message “Child of God”.  Karen and Gerrit lit our third Advent candle and Pastor Henry continued our advent series on Longing for More.  Lots of grandparents were visiting and we enjoyed fellowship with all the visitors after the service.