Addition Completed!

The building addition is finished!  We took time in the Sunday service to hear the final update from Doug. Doug thanked various volunteers who helped with several projects.  And Pastor Bart thanked Doug for all his time put in as our project liaison manager.  After the service we enjoyed a soup lunch together, and everyone could take a wander down the hall to see the new rooms.

We have added 6 new meeting rooms,  a quiet room, and a universal washroom.  A new supply room and a workroom will serve the space well.  On the GEMS and Cadets night, the rooms were all occupied with over 80 kids and leaders in the new spaces.  It is wonderful to see how God has provided us with much needed expansion when programs are growing.  We give thanks and praise to Him for his leading and provision, and we are excited to see the rooms being used for God’s glory and to grow His Kingdom.