Potluck Breakfast

For our first Sunday of 2025, we are having a potluck breakfast together! Bring your favorite breakfast casserole or muffins or fruit/yoghurt, or whatever you like to share for breakfast. Breakfast will begin at 9:00 am and the church service will begin at 10:30 to allow for clean up time.

Baptisms & Professions of Faith

El Salvador Potluck Dinner

Outdoor Service

Splash Pad Park

Good Friday Worship Service

Easter Sunday

Alpha Day

Pastor’s Class

Join Pastor Bart Wednesdays for his Pastor’s Class on the Biblical teachings of this church! Participants completing this class will be eligible for making public profession of faith, becoming voting members, and serving in leadership positions of the Maitland River Community Church. To register, or for more information, see Pastor Bart (or email him at pastorbart@mrcc.ca).

Flash Mob Raking

Show & Shine Car Show