Advent Begins!

New Members

We were happy to welcome Ed and Brenda Stein, as new members at the  MRCC.  Brenda has been our Children’s Ministry Director and she has done an excellent job during the challenge of COVID.  Ed and Brenda also introduced us to Shelter Canada, and led a group that built homes in El Salvador, in February.  We are thankful to have them as part of our MRCC family.


Award of Merit

The Huron County Accessibility Advisory Committee has presented the MRCC with an Award of Merit for Barrier Free Design. The award is given for  excellence in accessibility design and Doug Kuyvenhoven accepted the award on behalf of the church.  The committee had visited earlier in the year, and had pointed out several things in the church that could be improved upon for even better accessibility.  During the summer the changes were made, such as brighter lighting, tape on the edge of the stage, grab bars in the bathroom, and clear parking areas.  Now the church has many features that make it easier to see, hear and get around safely.