CAP Money Course

CAP stands for Christians Against Poverty. The CAP Money Course is a three evening course that teaches building a budget and the unique CAP system for handling your money to stay on budget. Currently, Doug Kuyvenhoven is teaching this course at the MRCC. Email to enroll for the next CAP Money Course.

Jan 13, 2019 How Can We Trust the Bible?

Jan 6, 2019 Building My Life on the Bible

Worship and Prayer Evening

On January 13th, on Sunday evening we gathered together for a time of worship and prayer. Pastor Henry welcomed everyone, and we joined the band in a time of praise. After a quiet time of listening, we shared with each other where God has been leading us. Through the evening we prayed for our church and leaders, and for our community churches and people. The evening ended with singing “Build Your Kingdom Here”, one of our congregation’s favourites. We hope to continue these events, as part of our prayer ministry.

Dec 30, 2018 Numbering Our Days Aright

Dec 24, 2018 The Wonder of Christmas

Dec 16, 2018 Moving Beyond Our Worry

Dec 9, 2018 Finding Peace in Our Weariness