Food and Fellowship

On the first Sunday of 2024, we gathered together for good food and fellowship. It’s becoming a tradition – a potluck breakfast to start off the New Year!  So many dishes of potatoes, and eggs and sausages and muffins and pancakes!  We had a great crowd out to enjoy the food, and spend some time talking together.  A big thank you to Jan and Liz, our hospitality team, and Tom, Leo and Brent who prepared pancakes and sausages.

Our church service was delayed to 10:30 to allow for extra clean up time.  Pastor Bart began our new series on 1 Corinthians.

We are looking forward to 2024 with anticipation and excitement, for what God is going to do among us.  We continue to welcome new attenders, our ministries are growing, and there is a building addition planned.  We pray for God’s leading and guiding in all our steps, that His church be a beacon of Good News for all!