Christmas Coffee House
Join us December 8th at 6:30 p.m. at Hutton Heights as we partner in celebrating the birth of our Saviour.
Join us December 8th at 6:30 p.m. at Hutton Heights as we partner in celebrating the birth of our Saviour.
Join us as we celebrate the building addition!
Everyone is invited to join us as we set aside intentional time to seek God’s face together in prayer. We use Google Meet every Wednesday morning at 6 AM to pray for 35-45 minutes for church renewal and gospel revival in our families, neighborhoods and towns.
Women of all ages are welcome! We gather at 9:30 for coffee and community, and at 9:45 we begin worship and time in the Word of God, and sometimes for crafting.
Women of all ages are welcome! We gather at 9:30 for coffee and community, and at 9:45 we begin worship and time in the Word of God, and sometimes for crafting.
Join Pastor Bart Wednesday for his Pastor’s Class on the Biblical teachings of this church! Participants completing this class will be eligible for making public profession of faith, becoming voting members, and serving in leadership positions of the Maitland River Community Church. To register, or for more information, see Pastor Bart (or email him at