What is Lent?

From Resources in the Ancient Church for Today’s Worship: 

For Christians early in the second century, every Sunday was a joyful feast of the resurrection. Somewhere in the second century they began to celebrate Easter on one special Sunday in the year.  Then the whole of Holy Week began to take shape. Thursday, the day of remembrance of the feet-washing, and the Last Supper; Friday, the day of Jesus’ death; Saturday became the day for baptisms, so the newly baptized could be seen to rise to new life on the Sunday Easter morning.  The final preparations for those to be baptized began on a Wednesday, 3 1/2 weeks before Easter.  Eventually, this time was extended to 40 days, after the pattern of the Israelites 40 years in the desert.  This time, now called Lent, is a period for all believers to reconsecrate themselves to dying with Jesus, and rising with him to newness in life.

Please join us for our Lent series, beginning March 26th,  our Good Friday service on April 14th, and our Easter celebration on April 16th.  Everyone welcome!